In Cruel Expectations Deborah Hazler and Milan Loviška use the power of slapstick comedy to deal with the display of violence and cruelty. Violence fascinates in its own weird way. It arouses a gamut of emotions, such as indignation, disgust, agitation, or even empathy. Slaptsick à la Buster Keaton is a must, but Hazler and Loviška take it further. They explore the enormity of the theme starting from the actual meaning of the word “Slapstick” itself. A whip that has been used as an instrument for corporal punishment, creating great sound, but not hurting the punished one as much as expected. Influenced by the work of John Wood & Paul Harrison, Marina Abramović & Ulay, Bruce Nauman and Fischli/Weiss, the duo tries to reach the point where fictional violence turns into reality. Therefore Hazler and Loviška set brutality against the banalisation of violence by stretching to their own limits. Cruel Expectations, in a very pointed way, plays with the (worst) expectations of the audience and the different emotions that the display of violence may evoke.
Concept: Deborah Hazler
Performance & creation: Deborah Hazler & Milan Loviška
Costume & stage design: Anke Philip
Dramaturgy: Ursula Maria Probst
A co-production of Raw Matters and WUK Performing Arts
With support by Szene Salzburg, the City of Vienna’s department of Cultural Affairs and the Austrian Ministry of Culture
Work-in-progress: 7 May 2014, Movement Research at Judson Church, NYC
With support by the Austrian Cultural Forum New York
Premiere: 5 June 2014, WUK, Vienna
Preview (Der Standard)